Medical Writing to

  • turn your scientific data into a journal article
  • summarize an advisory board meeting/an expert meeting (meeting minutes)
  • write an expert statement, consensus report
  • lay out your project ideas in a research proposal
  • write a study report/trial report
  • write a review requiring extensive literature research
  • summarize studies and extract essential information for project reports, technical data sheets, submission forms…
  • create education material for specific target groups
  • etc.
medical writing

In any of these and many other cases I will be happy to provide my support as an experienced science writer with a broad expertise in the biological and medical sciences obtained over more than 25 years of research experience.





Medical Writing / Science Writing

  • Research papers, review articles, book chapters
  • Expert papers, advisory board statements
  • Educational material
  • Abstracts
  • Posters/congress contributions
  • Study reports/trial reports
  • Meeting reports
  • Project reports
  • Case reports
  • Project applications
  • Literature research and review



  • Proofreading/editing
  • Protocol writing
  • English-German (German-English) translation of medical documents
  • etc.


gerhard krumschnabel - medical writer

I am a biologist with more than 25 years of experience in scientific research in such diverse fields as comparative physiology, cell biology, and cancer research. In the course of my science career, which led me to laboratories all over the world (Great Britain, Argentina, USA, Finland), I authored and co-authored more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals. After moving from the university to the private sector I continued working as a scientist and science writer and my activities included drafting of grant proposals, application notes, manuals and scientific publications in international journals. In parallel I started working as a freelance science writer providing my services to clinicians and consulting agencies.

A detailed CV can be obtained on request.

Scientific experience:

  • Peer-reviewed publications on Pubmed:
  • Research visits of several month each in labs in Great Britain, Argentina, USA and Finland
  • Ad-hoc referee for more than 40 international journals and 2 grant agencies
  • Member of the Editorial Board in several international journals (Apoptosis, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Journal of Experimental Zoology-A)
  • University lectures and courses on Cell biology, Bioenergetics, Endocrinology, Methods in Physiology and Molecular Biology
  • Supervision and co-supervision of 5 doctoral theses and more than 20 master and bachelor theses


When additional expertise and support is required, I team up with reliable partners:

eva mueller

Eva Müller

Eva Müller is a Ph.D. biologist with many years practical experience in scientific research and scientific writing. As a scientist she wrote many papers of her own. Since 2001 she has been working as a freelance science writer and wrote scientific publications for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, hospitals as well as for research institutions.

Today, here working focus is teaching scientific writing at national and international universities, hospitals and research centres and she also provides scientists writing scientific publications with individual coaching.

In 2013, Eva Müller’s book “Schreiben in Naturwissenschaften und Medizin” was published by UTB.

ulrike posch

Ulrike Posch

First class microbiology degree at the University of Innsbruck with a special focus on biochemistry and immunology. Several months project work at the Institute for Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, as well as a two-year scientific assignment at the Institute for Hygiene and Social Medicine at the University of Innsbruck, provided me with a thorough understanding of analytical processes, method development, cell culture techniques and BSL-3-HIV-laboratory. It also provided me with a thorough training in scientific work processes and science writing. 2002 Graduation with honors. Professional experience within the pharmaceutical industry included GLP/GMP for pharmaceutical product development, as well as customer support as a product specialist for the pharmaceutical sales force. Freelancing scientific writer since 2008. Relevant further training at CfPIE (Berlin) and KKS (University of Innsbruck), amongst others, have further solidified the writing expertise already gained by working as a professional science writer within a multitude of different scientific and medical areas.


Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerhard Krumschnabel

Andreas-Hoferstr. 42

A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria


Phone: +43(0)699 109 888 93

